What to expect during construction
We do our best to make the construction of the Ting fiber network as quick and clean as possible. Here’s what you can expect when we build the fiber network in your neighborhood.

- Step 1
Notice by mail
Be on the lookout for the construction information we send to neighborhoods before we begin. This is typically a letter or postcard. We’ll also place door hangers or similar just before construction starts on your street.
- Step 2
Utility markers
A utility marking service will mark out underground utilities (water, gas, electric) with paint or locate flags in and near the public right-of-way.
- Step 3
Temporary construction zones
We build in the public right-of-way wherever possible. Construction zones will be clearly marked by temporary no parking signage. This signage includes the exact timing for construction. We work hard to minimize the impact but both foot and road traffic may be impacted temporarily while our teams work.
- Step 4
Handhole installation
We install handholes where fiber can be branched out to connect individual homes every couple of houses. These handholes look very much like the access hatch you might find in a lawn irrigation system, with a lid that sits flush to the ground.
Construction typically lasts a couple of days in front of your home and we do everything we can to minimize the impact.
What does this mean for me?
We work hard to minimize the impact of construction and to ensure that communities are aware of what’s going on before construction begins. Here are a few other things to be aware of:
There may be some dust and noise.
There may be handhole or above-ground equipment installations on parkways.
We do not dig on your property unless you have specifically requested it.
How we bring fiber to your neighborhood
We use microtrenching to bring fiber to your neighborhood. Microtrenching is quick and much less disruptive compared to traditional fiber construction. You will see construction crews on your street creating an underground path for fiber conduit.

Microtrenching starts by making a narrow trench, 12-to-18-inches deep, parallel to the curb on the pavement. The debris is vacuumed up as the microtrenching machine cuts. Next, the team places the conduit that houses and protects the fiber into the trench. The trench is covered and leveled with a durable fill material matched to the road surface and climate. Microtrenching is surgical and there’s much less digging required as compared with traditional methods.
Filling the trench
We go to great lengths to ensure the filled trench matches the road surface as closely as possible. You may notice a temporary fill (see “temporary fill” below) that does not match the road surface. This is not representative of how the finished product will look. Temporary fill is only used to protect the trench in advance of the permanent fill.
Once the permanent fill is in place, there may still be a visible contrast with the pavement (see “permanent fill” below). This contrast will become much more subtle with time (see “finished fill” below).
- Temporary fill
- Permanent fill
- Finished fill
Construction work will happen in the city-owned right-of-way; the area on the street side of your home that’s reserved for utilities. If you’ve ever noticed a water meter cap in your lawn, that’s typically around the dividing line between your property and the city’s property.